Crafting Companion
personalized assistive device for mindful crafting
Allison Feldman
Patrick Zhu
5 weeks
Spring 2024
Physical Fabrication
Solidworks CAD

Crafting Companion is an assistive device created for Kathy, a client from CLASS, a Pittsburgh-based organization that promotes community inclusion for individuals with disabilities. This device is designed to help Kathy manage her time and well-being during detailed crafting projects like diamond art and loom knitting.
How it works
Demo videos highlighting the different inputs along with their visual and auditory feedback
Problem Context
conduct several need-finding interviews with Kathy to identify potential assistive device solutions
Eyes strain after long hours of crafting
Kathy enjoys crafting projects like diamond art and loom knitting, but the intense focus required often leads her to lose track of time, causing eye strain.
Difficulty picking up dropped tool
Kathy struggles with holding her tools securely due to a weak grip. If she drops a tool, she often needs assistance picking it up because she uses a wheelchair, which adds another layer of difficulty to her crafting process.
Ideation and Physical Prototype
think about which electronic components to use and their physical arrangement
Form Development
It is important to consider the best electronic placement for Kathy and her crafting environment. For our first cardboard prototype, we designed it so that each component could be easily rearranged, allowing Kathy to experiment with different layouts to find what worked best for her.
Making Decision
We moved forward with a container designed with a sloped surface for better access to information displays. Since Kathy is left-handed, we placed frequently used inputs, like the necklace holder and pause button, on the left, with the information display on the right.

We decided to 3D print a funnel-shaped holder for the necklace and the break beam sensor. The funnel makes the necklace clusters at the bottom for more precise detection.
Iterating and testing the device's electronic systems with physical computing
After finalizing the electronic components, we began prototyping the device’s sensor and output logic using Arduino. We encountered memory constraints that caused crashes due to the Arduino's limited capacity during our prototyping process. To address this, we simplified the logic and reduced unnecessary data handling. We also created a separate mapping system to organize numerical values for audio files used with the speaker and DFPlayer Mini.
During the initial stages, we used loose wires and a breadboard for prototyping. Once we ensured the code was stable, we soldered the wires to improve durability, making the device more sturdy for Kathy’s crafting sessions.
πŸ“Read full code here.
Working on this project was a great opportunity to learn how to identify user needs and develop a solution that integrates into our client’s daily routine using physical computing and rapid prototyping skills. I gained hands-on experience turning user insights into tangible product. If we had the chance to start another iteration of this project, we would like to experiment with implementing a voice command system so Kathy could control the timer without accessing the buttons, allowing her to fully focus on her crafting work.
Updated December 2024